Category: Stories of Hope

Meet Cleo

“There was more going on that I couldn’t see” I had a good childhood until I was 16, when my mom and dad divorced. My family went through negative changes because of it. I chose to stay with my father, where I was less supervised. I started making small compromises

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Matthew Rogers

Meet Matthew

“Now, I’m a disciple of Christ.” Matthew grew up in a loving, Christian home and taught Sunday school for 18 years, sharing his faith with others. But he felt like a fraud. “I was wearing a mask. I said that I had my priorities right – Jesus, then family, then

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Meet Brianna

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I grew up around addiction. Both of my parents were addicts, and because of that, I had to grow up fast. At 12 years old, I started smoking and sneaking out of my house. I have been my family’s caregiver

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Meet John

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. I grew up in a religious household with a good environment free from any direct contact with addiction. As I got older and into my college years, drinking became a regular part

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Rebecca Armstrong

Meet Rebecca

The day I realized that I needed help was on February 17, 2023 I arrived home after another 16-hour day at work to the routine mess in my life – lies, betrayal, and overwhelming hopelessness that comes with living with addiction and the enemy all around me. Although I was

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Meet Keith

Thank you for showing him that new life is possible. Keith’s struggle with substances began during a turbulent childhood marked by trauma. “I experienced the death of close friends at a young age,” he says, “and I struggled with self doubt. That pushed me to try drugs… to distract myself

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Meet Willie

Willie is now better than ever! My name is Willie Moore. I was born in Waycross, Georgia, to a 16-year-old single mother. When I was a small child, we moved from Waycross to Florida, where my mother was from. My mother worked hard to finish school, and life was suitable

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Ben Martin

Meet Ben

Ben is now better than ever! My name is Ben Martin, and I was born on April 26, 1985, in Macon, Georgia. I grew up in Perry, Georgia. This is my story – the story of how God changed a broken, lost man and restored my life. I would like

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Meet Jasmine

Thanks to you… Jasmine has HOPE this Christmas! Jasmine was trapped in a destructive cycle and knew she needed to break free – for herself and her daughter. “My mom was a drug addict,” Jasmine remembers. “She gave me and my little sister up when I was only 7.” Her

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Meet Amy

““BEAR ONE ANOTHER’S BURDENS, AND SO FULFILL THE LAW OF CHRIST.” GALATIANS 6:2 My name is Amy, and I was born in Syracuse, New York, and at the age of 10, my mother moved us to Opelika, Alabama where I was raised. My father passed away from cirrhosis of the

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