Stories of Hope
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Meet Brittany
“I have found happiness around people that I know love me.” I grew up with both parents in active addiction, and they were abusive towards each other. My Dad suffered from Type 1 diabetes, and the drugs quickly shut his body and his organs down. Before I knew it, I

Meet Kevin
“I felt empty inside because I had no love in my life.” As a child, Kevin struggled with a learning disability and was bullied by his grade school classmates. Things were even worse at home. “My mother called me names and abused me because I was slow in school,” he

Meet Crystal
“I felt like I had nothing left to give.” After finding my daddy deceased on the bathroom floor from an accidental drug overdose, I blamed myself. I didn’t know Jesus and formed a hateful resentment and distorted view of Him. I felt like I was not deserving of love, and

Meet Matthew
“Now, I’m a disciple of Christ.” Matthew grew up in a loving, Christian home and taught Sunday school for 18 years, sharing his faith with others. But he felt like a fraud. “I was wearing a mask. I said that I had my priorities right – Jesus, then family, then

Meet Brianna
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I grew up around addiction. Both of my parents were addicts, and because of that, I had to grow up fast. At 12 years old, I started smoking and sneaking out of my house. I have been my family’s caregiver

Meet Rebecca
The day I realized that I needed help was on February 17, 2023 I arrived home after another 16-hour day at work to the routine mess in my life – lies, betrayal, and overwhelming hopelessness that comes with living with addiction and the enemy all around me. Although I was

Meet Keith
Thank you for showing him that new life is possible. Keith’s struggle with substances began during a turbulent childhood marked by trauma. “I experienced the death of close friends at a young age,” he says, “and I struggled with self doubt. That pushed me to try drugs… to distract myself
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