Stories of Hope

Ben Martin

Meet Ben

Ben is now better than ever! My name is Ben Martin, and I was born on April 26, 1985, in Macon, Georgia. I grew up in Perry, Georgia. This is my story – the story of how God changed a broken, lost man and restored my life. I would like

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Meet Jasmine

Thanks to you… Jasmine has HOPE this Christmas! Jasmine was trapped in a destructive cycle and knew she needed to break free – for herself and her daughter. “My mom was a drug addict,” Jasmine remembers. “She gave me and my little sister up when I was only 7.” Her

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Meet Amy

““BEAR ONE ANOTHER’S BURDENS, AND SO FULFILL THE LAW OF CHRIST.” GALATIANS 6:2 My name is Amy, and I was born in Syracuse, New York, and at the age of 10, my mother moved us to Opelika, Alabama where I was raised. My father passed away from cirrhosis of the

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Meet Johnny

“I lost everything I’d worked for…” From an early age, Johnny struggled to feel loved and accepted. His mother left when he was only 5 years old, and her absence created a hole in his life. “I missed my mom, and I couldn’t understand why she would leave,” he says.

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James Williams July Newsletter

Meet James

“My name is James Williams, and this is my testimony.” I was eight years old when my mother and father went through a divorce. It broke our family up. My father was very abusive to my mother, so my mom ran with my siblings and me to keep us safe. There

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Meet Spud

“The rest of my life is not mine, it belongs to the Creator.” It’s a strange thing to not remember your childhood. To literally have less than a handful of memories from before your early teens. But that’s how it is for Alicia.  Her mother was in the army and

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Meet Alicia

“I am not my past!” It’s a strange thing to not remember your childhood. To literally have less than a handful of memories from before your early teens. But that’s how it is for Alicia.  Her mother was in the army and would sometimes have to travel so she and

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Meet Keith

“I’ve learned to give it all to God.” “Like a lot of teenagers, I started using drugs when I was 14 just for fun!  At the time, my friends and I were just doing drugs to have a good time.  You know that’s how it starts a lot of times. 

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Meet Rudy

“They helped me become a better man.” Because of his family’s history Rudy grew up thinking he’d eventually wind up in a gang and go to prison for gang activity.  His dad, who died before Rudy was born, and most of his uncles were all gang bangers so Rudy thought

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Meet Stephanie

I’m finally able to look at myself with the eyes of grace… Chaos and pain found Stephanie early in life when she was sexually abused by a close relative at the age of five.  The abuse went on for five years.  When she confided in her mother, she didn’t believe

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