Category: Stories of Hope

Meet Sarah

Thank you for giving Sarah a new beginning.Because of you, she has joy in her heart this Easter! Darkness, fear, and shame haunted Sarah for most of her life. From the ages of 5 to 14 she suffered beatings and abuse at the hands of her father. At times, she

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Meet Jeff

“Where Healing Begins” I feel like I had a decent childhood, until I reached my early teen years. It was during this time in my life that I started hanging around people that were a bad influence on me and full of negativity. I started experimenting with drugs and alcohol,

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Meet Anthony

“No Longer Hiding” My dysfunctional childhood started when I was about six or seven years old. We lived in a nice middle-class apartment home where my brother and I would split a beer with our dad. As we got older, we would sneak alcohol from the glasses of the adults

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Meet Teresa

“I HAVE A NEW START” My name is Teresa Simmons, I was born in Quitman, Georgia in 1981.  The pain and struggles in my life started very early because by the time I was six years old I had been molested twice.  To dull the pain I started experimenting with

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Tracey Holiday Newsletter

Meet Tracey

“I turned my back on God a long time ago… I was broken.” There were never enough hours in the day for Tracey. She worked and took care of her two children alone. She made sure the bills were paid and that her kids had everything they needed, but she

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Meet Taylor

“Hello! My name is Taylor, and I was born in Alexandria, Virginia in July of 1995. This is my story:” My twin brother and I were raised in Warner Robins, Georgia. My childhood was relatively normal, except for the fact that I was adopted at 9 weeks old. My parents

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Meet Mac

“I was willing to do whatever I had to, to get myself in order…“ Mac never met his father. He knew him only as the man who signed his birth certificate. Throughout his childhood years, his feelings of abandonment and loss led to deep pain and heartache that he eventually

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Meet Breanna

“I’m a new creation in Christ.”  Breanna had abandonment issues from her childhood, and it carried over into her adult life. “It made me feel alone… I found myself seeking comfort and acceptance in substances, men, and things of that nature.” But no matter how hard she tried, Breanna was

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Meet John

“I wanted to know how to live…” The last time John was arrested, the judge gave him two options: reincarceration or the Mission’s life-recovery program. At 50 years old, there was only one choice. For more than two decades, “I led a criminal lifestyle,” John says. “Money, cars, drugs, gangs,”

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Meet Leah

“I’ve given the Lord control of my life. Now I know He has a plan for me.” Leah has known few moments of peace in her life. From the time she was a little girl, she struggled with anxiety and depression that grew worse over the years, causing crippling headaches.

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