Stories of Hope

Meet Breanna

“I’m a new creation in Christ.”  Breanna had abandonment issues from her childhood, and it carried over into her adult life. “It made me feel alone… I found myself seeking comfort and acceptance in substances, men, and things of that nature.” But no matter how hard she tried, Breanna was

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Meet John

“I wanted to know how to live…” The last time John was arrested, the judge gave him two options: reincarceration or the Mission’s life-recovery program. At 50 years old, there was only one choice. For more than two decades, “I led a criminal lifestyle,” John says. “Money, cars, drugs, gangs,”

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Meet Leah

“I’ve given the Lord control of my life. Now I know He has a plan for me.” Leah has known few moments of peace in her life. From the time she was a little girl, she struggled with anxiety and depression that grew worse over the years, causing crippling headaches.

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Meet Dalton

“Now I feel I have a purpose in life.” Dalton was in his early 20s when his parents passed away. He’d been caring for them throughout a long illness, and when he lost them, he lost his home. He lost his sense of purpose too. He moved in with a

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Meet Quincy

“I will live the rest of my life for God.” The first of her siblings to attend college, Quincy’s parents held her to a higher standard. So when she dropped out, she suffered the pain of their disappointment. “I felt like a failure,” she says. Then a friend introduced her

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Meet Rebeca

“God never left me alone.” Rebeca looks back on her childhood as the source of her anxiety and relationship troubles. “My mom and dad separated when I was 5. At 6, my mom moved in with this guy and he started molesting me.” Rebeca told her parents about the abuse

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Meet Mac

“My plan for the future is just to trust God.” Mac grew up without knowing his father. “My stepdad came into my life at a young age. He was a blessing, a provider and good man, but it didn’t stop me from wondering about my real father.” Looking to fill

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Meet Ira

“I’m thankful I’ve got God walking with me.” Ira knows that if it weren’t for the Mission, he would likely be dead. After years of struggling with drug addiction and not feeling good enough, he was ready to give up. “I was tired of the way I was living… of

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Meet Tillman

“Jesus changes everything.” Tillman felt lost and overwhelmed… like he was drifting along in life without an anchor. “I didn’t have a purpose in life… didn’t know what I was supposed to do. My life was just trying to fill this empty hole with drugs and unhealthy relationships.”  The emptiness

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Meet Gwen

“God loves me and I am enough.” No matter what she did, Gwen couldn’t break free from bad habits. “Alcohol had pretty much taken me to the end of the line,” she says. “No matter how hard I tried, I kept falling back into that old lifestyle of ‘I’m not

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